Where the Wild Things Are

Betsey Hurd
February 14, 2020 through May 15, 2020
** Extended through June 8, 2020

Betsey Hurd is interested in the secret life of animals, wild as well as domesticated animals like the dogs and horses that she lives with and observes daily. She reflects upon their relationships and interactions with each other, their hierarchies, fears, and loves. All are fascinating to her. Hurd is known for her sculptural ceramic work, as well as her paintings of horses. The work she creates rarely depicts humans, instead her work focuses on connecting with the inner life of animals. However, there is another aspect to the work, it is something Hurd terms Polymorphic Fabulism, which combines different animal forms with human forms.  These sculptures are meant to be non-specific in species and remain gender fluid.  Betsey Hurd is a contemporary artist who has made a living as an artist for over 30 years. Hurd works and lives as an artist in Montana, and her artwork is exhibited and acquired by collectors throughout the United States.

Betsey Hurd, Northern Magic, 2019. Acrylic on canvas, 36” x 36” x 2”